Appointment Information

We strive to assist students as quickly as possible so appointments are highly suggested. Appointments can be made by telephone at 256-765-5215 or in person at the office (726 North Pine St.- 1st Floor of Rice Hall) during regular business hours. We cannot make an appointment via email or on behalf of another person. We must speak directly to the student. Business hours are Monday- Friday; 8:00am- 4:00pm (When the university is open).

Student Counseling Services also offers confidential Tele-Mental Health sessions via HIPPA compliant ZOOM Healthcare if students are unable to attend counseling sessions in person as well as non-clinical well-being check-ins through Lion Chats. 
Lion Chats are an opportunity for students to meet one on one with a health and well-being professional to engage in a non-clinical conversation addressing overall wellness/well-being and stressors of college life. Call our office for additional information and/or to book your Lion Chat appointment!


  Informed Consent for Counseling 

Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. You may be charged for an appointment not kept or canceled within the appropriate time frame.


Message about Parking:  

There is no designated parking area for Student Counseling Services and, like the rest of our beautiful campus, parking is very limited.  Spaces may be available in the parking deck located beside the Student Recr吃ion Center, but parking spaces cannot be guaranteed. 

It is recommended that students walk to our office if they are already parked on campus. Students are encouraged to plan their time accordingly and arrive for the first appointment 20-30 minutes early (Follow-up appointments usually do not require early arrival).
 Mane cards are required to enter the building!

      Map of our 位置